#100daysofhappiness: Days 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98

After this post only TWO MORE DAYS!  I can’t wait to write my recap/opinion piece on my #100daysofhappiness!

LOTS of great things are happening!

My BEST FRIEND/AOII SISTER came to visit me this weekend and we had so much fun!  Find her blog here :). We did an outdoor Smart Barre Class at Trailhead in Fort Worth! SO much fun… but we definitely got sunburned! Afterword Kona Ice was there with free snocones!  YUMMY!

My flowers are blooming like crazy!  Bought these Diplandia’s on a whim and they have been so easy to take care of **KNOCK ON WOOD**!

While Paula was in town we ventured to La Madeleine since they don’t have one in Oklahoma!  We had the Sampler and our favorite Strawberries Romanoff…. TO DIE FOR, SERIOUSLY!  I think I need to find a Pinterest knockoff….

Mark and I also became members of the Fort Worth Club this week! I am excited to try out some of their events! We had a great meal there the evening we did the tour!

We went to a housewarming party and acted like we were in college again playing games and enjoy everyones company! We even busted out some Mexican Train (domino’s game)… SO FUN!

Another fun thing that got planned this week is Mark and my trip to NYC! Mark has never been so I am excited to get to go on this adventure with him!

FINAL thing… Tory Burch had a sale a bit ago that I talked about and I am OBSESSED with these leopard flips!


#100daysofhappiness: Day 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 & 78

Back at it again and it has been awhile! Here is the happenings of my life recently!

We have been trying to go on walks lately and we stopped to take a quick picture of downtown Fort Worth. It was such a beautiful night for a walk!

This. brownie. mix.  It is real people! So yummy but SO dangerous!

At en engagement party over the weekend I tried the Shiner Ruby Red Bird.  It was yummy but it was hard to drink the whole thing because it was so flavorful and it filled me up!

So the other day Mark got me some “just because” roses.  They were so sweet and smelled amazing! He doesn’t do it often but when he does it is because he means it.  I love them!

Mark and I are trying very hard to be less wasteful with our food/groceries.  The other night we cooked some pork loin we had in the freezer, asparagus and then I made some yummy biscuits with cheese and fresh oregano.  It turned out great and it was all random items we had in the fridge!

One of Mark’s cousins is having her confirmation and I went to pick out a card the other 
day.  This verse is one of my favorite and I really needed to see it the day I went to pick out the card.  Definitely a GREAT pick-me-up!

Essie’s top coats are THE best! I use them with their own lines as well as with the OPI colors I have.  It really helps it last longer than a regular polish top coat! LOVE it!



#100daysofhappiness: Day 69, 70, 71

I love my Celestial Green Tea it is definitely a great afternoon pick me up! Can’t help but love my animal print mug!

I also got to attend a fabulous YMCA breakfast event called the “Chairs Roundtable Breakfast” on behalf of the Westside YMCA. My husband is on the board but I love getting to support such a wonderful cause in our community!  They have some BIG things happening! Plus, the breakfast was AMAZING!

The other item I love and that makes me happy are thank you notes! I love giving and receiving them! I was just talking to my MIL (shout out to Bard she reads this :)) about how many people do not write these and how it makes us so angry sometimes! People don’t even acknowledge gifts these days! I try to take the time to quickly write them whether I receive a gift, go to a dinner or just want to send a quick thanks for a good deed! So many people who surround me go above and beyond what is expected and I want them to know I appreciate it.  I will get off my soap box now!



#100daysofhappiness: 65, 66, 67, & 68

To help with an over abundance of pictures/post every so ofter I am going to do a mash up of pictures…. Love me some pic-stitch!

Over the week my Fitbit band broke but their staff was on it and sent me a replacement and were awesome!  I also went to Target and splurged on some colorful ones!

I found this Camelbak at TJ Maxx for $12.99…. Done and Done!

On Saturday I volunteered for the Walk to Cure Arthritis and raised money.  Click to donate if you want to find out more! Such a wonderful event and I was able to take pictures on the field at Globe Life Park in Arlington! I hate selfless but I just HAD to take one!

It got HOT this weekend in Texas so we ventured to Sonic and you can get Nerds in your slush now…. HOW AMAZING!!

Hope you all have a fabulous week! OOTD coming SOON!


#100daysofhappiness: Day 37

Sooooo I made my post from the other day into a community Buzzfeed article.  I don’t plan on doing that often but I was proud of my humor.  Below is a snapshot and here is the link.

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 3.35.04 PM

30 Thoughts During Barre Class

For those of you who know me know I LOVE barre… I am a “Barre Junkie”.  However, the internal thought process that happens before and during class is quite entertaining (IMO).  Some people are so confident in working out, me not so much. The first time I ever went to class felt like the first day of cheerleading practice.  I was super nervous.

This post is meant to encourage people to try new things and realize even the most expierneced ones are attending the class to challenge themselves too! Who knows in a few months the “newbies” may be looking at you thinking WOW they are good! Hope these thoughts give you a few chuckles!





  1. I wore my cutest workout outfit today…. It will help my talent shine through. [More on Barre Fashion next week ;)]
  2. Gotta be early so I can get MY mat.
  3. OK. Got MY mat. Start stretching so you don’t feel awkward.
  4. I really hope I’m not the only non-ballerina looking, uncoordinated one in the class.
  5. There’s the instructor. Time to start. Man I wish I could have that body. Maybe if I do barre twice a day for like forever I could…. She probably doesn’t even eat pizza….
  6. Warm up time. AND march, march, march… Don’t fall over onto the person next to you.
  7. Ugh already time to plank…. Geeze.
  8. Thank goodness that’s over…. Arm workout engage.
  9. My shoulders are going to fall off… these 3 lb weights feel like 25lbs…. I definitely could never do crossfit.
  10. Ok leg on the barre…. Pretend you are a ballerina….
  11. Wow, everyone in class must have been a dancer their whole life… they all are SO much more graceful than me.
  12. I really should have stuck with dance… I could have been a Broadway star.
  13. SHE SAID GET THE BLUE BALLS OUT…. How does no one else think this is funny.
  14. Chair… I hate chair… more than planking even….
  15. Squeeze the blue ball… on relevé… this.hurts.bad.
  16. This better help me get a thigh gap.
  17. TRIPLE TIME?!??!
  18. Pretzel? Man, this instructor is doing ALL of my LEAST favorite moves
  19. My legs and butt should definately look like a supermodel buy the end of this class
  20. Blue Balls are back in action for core work [internal giggling]
  21. Pelvic thrust. Thank god guys aren’t in this class
  22. ABS. OF. STEEL.
  23. Oh I really like this song…. Has music been playing this whole time?
  24. Back dancing…. This.is.awkward. I hope no one is looking at me.
  25. Stretch time. YES. I see the light.
  26. Happy baby, I hope my pants aren’t see through…. Lululemon I am talking to you.
  27. Ugh I hate stretching my IT band. Not relaxing.
  28. Woah… I think my flexibility is improving…. I am practically a gymnast.
  29. Ahhh lay down and relax time. I DOMINATE this.
  30. Yay, clap for everyone you survived!!! I feel like wonder woman and I’m one class closer to actually being good at this. BROADWAY HERE I COME.

#100daysofhappiness:Day 31

I ventured to my weekly meeting with “Intern Casey”.  We went to Central Market.  I tried this organic tea.  Don’t think I will get it again but it was something different to try!
